A Computer Story

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Photo by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Public Domain, Link

Type: Supercomputer

Sale Period: Only two units produced (one delivered to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in June 1960, the other to the US Navy's David Taylor Model Basin)

Weight: about 52 tonnes

Processor: 60 bits per word architecture, with two central processing units (aka Computers) and an input/output processor (aka Processor)

Memory: Several magnetic-core memory banks of 2500 words each; the basic configuration consisted of eight banks, for a total of 20,000 words

Storage Media: Magnetic drums, punched card reader

Operating System: none

Notes: LARC stands for "Livermore Advanced Research Computer". It had been the world's most powerful computer from 1960 to 1961, before being surpassed by the IBM 7030, and was primarily used for advanced scientific calculations, including nuclear simulations.